Thursday, May 12, 2016

*****Lord Sri Venkateswara is Swayambhu *****Swayam Vyaktha BHAGAWAAN VISHNU*****

*****Lord Sri Venkateswara is Swayambhu*****
*****Swayam Vyaktha BHAGAWAAN VISHNU*****

Lord Sri Venkateswara is Swayambhu, self-manifest.
Lord’s image is not carved by either humans or gods.
Lord SrimanNarayana Himself took the form of a sila
murthi to bless us all in this Kaliyug.
The Supreme Lord Srimannarayana manifests in
five aspects. They are PARA (the transcendent), Vyuha
(the emanating),Vibhava (the immanent)Antaryami and
lastly the Archavathara (the form of consecrated image).
The first one Para Rupa is Lord SrimanNarayana in
Vaikuntha seated on Adisesha. In this form He is
available only for free souls such as ananta, garuda,
sudarsana etc.called Nitya-suris. No one else, even
Devathas can not approach him in Para Roopa.
And the fifth aspect is Archavathara. It is in this
form He is available to all of us. Lord Srimannarayana
takes the form of an idol so that it is easy for all of
us to worship him. Archavathara again has many aspects
such as divya, manusha, siddha, swayam vyaktha…if the
idol of the lord is consecrated by gods it is Divya…if it
is installed by humans it is called manusha…Swayam
Vyaktha is the supreme among all these as it is the
form in which Lord Himself manifests…He is
consecrated by neither humans nor devathas…Lord
himself takes the form He wishes to bless His devotees.
So Thirumala come under this aspect of
Archavatar. In Thirumala thus Lord SrimanNarayana
Himself is manifest to redeem all of us from miseries
of Kaliyug.*****OM NAMO SRI VENKATESHAYA*****

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