Friday, October 14, 2016

*****Sri Venkateshwara Sahasranama Stotram*****॥ श्रीवेङ्कटेशसहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् ॥

*****Sri Venkateshwara Sahasranama Stotram*****

॥ श्रीवेङ्कटेशसहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् ॥

श्रीवसिष्ठ उवाच-
भगवन् केन विधिना नामभिर्वेङ्कटेश्वरम् ।
पूजयामास तं देवं ब्रह्मा तु कमलैः शुभैः ॥ १॥

पृच्छामि तानि नामानि गुण योगपराणि किम् ।
मुख्यवृत्तीनि किं ब्रूहि लक्षकाण्यथवा हरेः ॥ २॥

नारद उवाच -
नामान्यनन्तानि हरेः गुणयोगानि कानि चित् । 
मुख्य वृत्तीनि चान्यानि लक्षकाण्यपराणि च ॥ ३॥ 
परमार्थैः सर्वशब्दैरेको ज्ञेयः परः पुमान् । 
आदिमध्यान्तरहितः त्वव्यक्तोऽनन्तरूपभृत् ॥ ४॥ 
चन्द्रार्क वह्निवाय्वाद्या ग्रहर्क्षाणि नभो दिशः ।
अन्वयव्यतिरेकाभ्यां सन्ति नो सन्ति यन्मतेः ॥ ५॥

तस्य देवस्य नाम्नां हि पारं गन्तुं हि कः क्षमः ।
तथाऽपि चाभिधानानि वेङ्कटेशस्य कानिचित् ॥ ६॥

ब्रह्मगीतानि पुण्यानि तानि वक्ष्यामि सुव्रत ।
यदुच्चारणमात्रेण विमुक्ताघः परं व्रजेत् ॥ ७॥

वेङ्कटेशस्य नाम्नां हि सहस्रस्य ऋषिर्विधिः ।
छन्दोऽनुष्ठुप् तथा देवः श्रीवत्साङ्को रमापतिः ॥ ८॥

बीजभूतस्तथोंकारो ह्रीं क्लीं शक्तिश्च कीलकम् ।
ओं नमो वेङ्कटेशायेत्यादिर्मन्त्रोऽत्र कथ्यते ॥ ९॥

ब्रह्माण्डगर्भः कवचमस्त्रं चक्रगदाधरः ।
विनियोगोऽभीष्टसिद्धौ हृदयं सामगायनः ॥

ध्यानं - 
भास्वच्छंद्रमसौ यदीयनयने भार्या यदीया रमा
यस्माद्विश्वसृडप्यभूद्यमिकुलं यद्ध्यानयुक्तं सदा
नाथो यो जगतां नगेन्द्रदुहितुर्नाथोऽपि यद्भक्तिमान्
तातो यो मदनस्य यो दुरितहा तं वेङ्कटेशं भजे ॥

ऊर्ध्वै हस्तौ यदीयौ सुररिपुदळने बिभ्रतौ शङ्खचक्रे
सेव्यावङ्घ्री स्वकीयावभिदधदधरो दक्षिणो यस्य पाणिः ।
तावन्मात्रं भवाब्धिं गमयति भजतामूरुगो वामपाणिः
श्रीवत्साङ्कश्च लक्ष्मीर्यदुरसि लसतस्तं भजे वेङ्कटेशम् 
इति ध्यायन् वेङ्कटेशं श्रीवत्साङ्कं रमापतिम् ।
वेङ्कटेशो विरूपाक्ष इत्यारभ्य जपेत्क्रमात् ॥ १०॥

वेङ्कटेशो विरूपाक्षो विश्वेशो विश्वभावनः ।
विश्वसृङ् विश्वसंहर्ता विश्वप्राणो विराड्वपुः ॥ ११॥

शेषाद्रिनिलयोऽशेषभक्तदुःखप्रणाशनः ।
शेषस्तुत्यः शेषशायी विशेषज्ञो विभुः स्वभूः ॥ १२॥

विष्णुर्जिष्णुश्च वर्धिष्णुरुत्सविष्णुः सहिष्णुकः ।
भ्राजिष्णुश्च ग्रसिष्णुश्च वर्तिष्णुश्च भरिष्णुकः ॥ १३॥

कालयन्ता कालगोप्ता कालः कालान्तकोऽखिलः ।
कालगम्यः कालकण्ठवन्द्यः कालकलेश्वरः ॥ १४॥

शम्भुः स्वयम्भूरम्भोजनाभिस्तम्भितवारिधिः ।
अम्भोधिनन्दिनीजानिः शोणाम्भोजपदप्रभः ॥ १५॥

कम्बुग्रीवः शम्बरारिरूपः शम्बरजेक्षणः ।
बिम्बाधरो बिम्बरूपी प्रतिबिम्बक्रियातिगः ॥ १६॥

गुणवान् गुणगम्यश्च गुणातीतो गुणप्रियः 
दुर्गुणध्वंसकृत्सर्वसुगुणो गुणभासकः ॥ १७॥

परेशः परमात्मा च परञ्ज्योतिः परा गतिः ।
परं पदं वियद्वासाः पारम्पर्यशुभप्रदः ॥ १८॥

ब्रह्माण्डगर्भो ब्रह्मण्यो ब्रह्मसृढ्ब्रह्मबोधितः ।
ब्रह्मस्तुत्यो ब्रह्मवादी ब्रह्मचर्यपरायणः ॥ १९॥

सत्यव्रतार्थसन्तुष्टस्सत्यरूपी झषाङ्गवान् ।
सोमकप्राणहारी चानीताम्नायोऽब्धिसञ्चरः ॥ २०॥

देवासुरवरस्तुत्यः पतन्मन्दरधारकः ।
धन्वन्तरिः कच्छपाङ्गः पयोनिधिविमन्थकः ॥ २१॥

अमरामृतसन्धाता धृतसम्मोहिनीवपुः ।
हरमोहकमायावी रक्षःसन्दोहभञ्जनः ॥ २२॥

हिरण्याक्षविदारी च यज्ञो यज्ञ विभावनः ।
यज्ञीयोर्वीसगुद्धर्ता लीलाक्रोडः प्रतापवान् ॥ २३॥

दण्डकासुरविध्वंसी वक्रदंष्ट्र क्षमाधरः ।
गन्धर्वशापहरणः पुण्यगन्धो विचक्षणः ॥ २४॥

करालवक्त्रः सोमार्कनेत्रः षड्गुणवैभवः ।
श्वेतघोणी घूर्णितभ्रूर्घुर्घुरध्वनिविभ्रमः ॥ २५॥ 
द्राघीयान् नीलकेशी च जाग्रदम्बुजलोचनः ।
घृणावान् घृणिसम्मोहो महाकालाग्निदीधितिः ॥ २६॥

ज्वालाकरालवदनो महोल्काकुलवीक्षणः ।
सटानिर्भिण्णमेघौघो दंष्ट्रारुग्व्याप्तदिक्तटः ॥ २७॥

उच्छ्वासाकृष्टभूतेशो निःश्वासत्यक्तविश्वसृट् ।
अन्तर्भ्रमज्जगद्गर्भोऽनन्तो ब्रह्मकपालहृत् ॥ २८॥

उग्रो वीरो महाविष्णुर्ज्वलनः सर्वतोमुखः ।
नृसिंहो भीषणो भद्रो मृत्युमृत्युः सनातनः ॥ २९॥

सभास्तम्भोद्भवो भीमः शीरोमाली महेश्वरः ।
द्वादशादित्यचूडालः कल्पधूमसटाच्छविः ॥ ३०॥

हिरण्यकोरस्थलभिन्ननखः सिंहमुखोऽनघः ।
प्रह्लादवरदो धीमान् भक्तसङ्घ प्रतिष्ठितः ॥ ३१॥

ब्रह्मरुद्रादिसंसेव्यः सिद्धसाध्यप्रपूजितः ।
लक्ष्मीनृसिंहो देवेशो ज्वालाजिह्वान्त्रमालिकः ॥ ३२॥

खड्गी खेटी महेष्वासी कपाली मुसली हली ।
पाशी शूली महाबाहुर्ज्वरघ्नो रोगलुण्ठकः ॥ ३३॥

मौञ्जीयुक् छात्रको दण्डी कृष्णाजिनधरो वटुः ।
अधीतवेदो वेदान्तोद्धारको ब्रह्मनैष्ठिकः ॥ ३४॥

अहीनशयनप्रीतः आदितेयोऽनघो हरिः ।
संवित्प्रियस्सामवेद्यो बलिवेश्मप्रतिष्ठितः ॥ ३५॥

बलिक्षालितपादाब्जो विन्द्यावलिविमानितः ।
त्रिपादभूमिस्वीकर्ता विश्वरूपप्रदर्शकः ॥ ३६॥

धृतत्रिविक्रमः साङ्घ्रिनखभिन्नाण्डखर्परः ।
पज्जातवाहिनीधारापवित्रितजगत्त्रयः ॥ ३७॥

विधिसम्मानितः पुण्यो दैत्ययोद्धा जयोर्जितः ।
सुरराज्यप्रदः शुक्रमदहृत् सुगतीश्वरः ॥ ३८॥

जामदग्न्यः कुठारी च कार्तवीर्यविदारणः ।
रेणुकायाश्शिरोहारी दुष्टक्षत्रियमर्दनः ॥ ३९॥

वर्चस्वी दानशीलश्च धनुष्मान् ब्रह्मवित्तमः ।
अत्युदग्रः समग्रश्च न्यग्रोधो दुष्टनिग्रहः ॥ ४०॥

रविवंशसमुद्भूतो राघवो भरताग्रजः ।
कौसल्यातनयो रामो विश्वामित्र प्रियङ्करः ॥४१॥

ताटकारिः सुबाहुघ्नो बलातिबलमन्त्रवान् ।
अहल्याशापविच्छेदी प्रविष्टजनकालयः ॥ ४२॥

स्वयंवरसभासंस्थ ईशचापप्रभञ्जनः ।
जानकीपरिणेता च जनकाधीशसंस्तुतः ॥ ४३॥

जमदग्नितनूजातयोद्धाऽयोध्याधिपाग्रणीः ।
पितृवाक्यप्रतीपालस्त्यक्तराज्यः सलक्ष्मणः ॥ ४४॥

ससीतश्चित्रकूटस्थो भरताहितराज्यकः ।
काकदर्पप्रहर्ता च दण्डकारण्यवासकः ॥ ४५॥

पञ्चवट्यां विहारी च स्वधर्मपरिपोषकः ।
विराधहाऽगस्त्यमुख्यमुनिसम्मानितः ॥ ४६॥

इन्द्रचापधरः खड्गधरश्चाक्षयसायकः ।
खरान्तको दूषणारिस्त्रिशिरस्करिपुर्वृषः ॥ ४७॥

ततः शूर्पणखानासाच्छेत्ता वल्कलधारकः ।
जटावान् पर्णशालास्थो मारीचबलमर्दकः ॥ ४८॥

पक्षिराट्कृतसंवादो रवितेजा महाबलः ।
शबर्यानीतफलभुग्धनूमत्परितोषितः ॥ ४९॥

सुग्रीवाभयदो दैत्यकायक्षेपणभासुरः ।
सप्ततालसमुच्छेत्ता वालिहृत्कपिसंवृतः ॥ ५०॥

वायुसूनुकृतासेवस्त्यक्तपम्पः कुशासनः ।
उदन्वत्तीरगः शूरो विभीषणवरप्रदः ॥ ५१॥

सेतुकृद्दैत्यहा प्राप्तलङ्कोऽलङ्कारवान् स्वयम् ।
अतिकायशिरश्छेत्ता कुम्भकर्णविभेदनः ॥ ५२॥

दशकण्ठशिरोध्वंसी जांबवत्प्रमुखावृतः ।
जानकीशः सुराध्यक्षः साकेतेशः पुरातनः ॥ ५३॥

पुण्यश्लोको वेदवेद्यः स्वामितीर्थनिवासकः ।
लक्ष्मीसरःकेळिलोलो लक्ष्मीशो लोकरक्षकः ॥ ५४॥

देवकीगर्भसंभूतो यशोदेक्षणलालितः ।
वसुदेवकृतस्तोत्रो नन्दगोपमनोहरः ॥ ५५॥

चतुर्भुजः कोमलाङ्गो गदावान्नीलकुन्तलः ।
पूतनाप्राणसंहर्ता तृणावर्तविनाशनः ॥ ५६॥

गर्गारोपितनामाङ्को वासुदेवो ह्याधोक्षजः ।
गोपिकास्तन्यपायी च बलभद्रानुजोऽच्युतः ॥ ५७॥

वैयाघ्रनखभूषश्च वत्सजिद्वत्सवर्धनः ।
क्षीरसाराशनरतो दधिभाण्डप्रमर्दनः ॥ ५८ ॥

नवनीतापहर्ता च नीलनीरदभासुरः ।
अभीरदृष्टदौर्जन्यो नीलपद्मनिभाननः ॥ ५९॥

मातृदर्शितविश्वास्यः उलूखलनिबन्धनः ।
नलकूबरशापान्तो गोधूलिच्छुरिताङ्गकः ॥ ६०॥

गोसङ्घरक्षकः श्रीशो बृन्दारण्यनिवासकः ।
वत्सान्तको बकद्वेषी दैत्याम्बुदमहानिलः ॥ ६१ ॥

महाजगरचण्डाग्निः शकटप्राणकण्टकः ।
इन्द्रसेव्यः पुण्यगात्रः खरजिञ्वण्डदीधितिः ॥ ६२॥

तालपक्वफलाशी च काळीयफणिदर्पहा ।
नागपत्नीस्तुतिप्रीतः प्रलम्बासुरखण्डनः ॥ ६३॥

दावाग्निबलसंहारी फलहारी गदाग्रजः ।
गोपाङ्गनाचेलचोरः पाथोलीलाविशारदः ॥ ६४॥

वंशीगानप्रवीणश्च गोपीहस्ताम्बुजार्चितः ।
मुनिपत्न्याहृताहारो मुनिश्रेष्ठो मुनिप्रियः ॥ ६५॥

गोवर्द्धनाद्रिसन्धर्ता सङ्क्रन्दनतमोऽपहः ।
सदुद्यानविलासी च रासक्रीडापरायणः ॥ ६६॥

वरुणाभ्यर्चितो गोपीप्रार्थितः पुरुषोत्तमः ।
अक्रूरस्तुतिसम्प्रीतः कुब्जायौवनदायकः ॥ ६७॥

मुष्टिकोरःप्रहारी च चाणूरोदरदारणः ।
मल्लयुद्धाग्रगण्यश्च पितृबन्धनमोचकः ॥ ६८॥

मत्तमातङ्गपञ्चास्यः कंसग्रीवानिकृन्तनः ।
उग्रसेनप्रतिष्टाता रत्नसिंहासनस्थितः ॥ ६९॥

कालनेमिखलद्वेषी मुचुकुन्दवरप्रदः ।
साल्वसेवितदुर्धर्षराजस्मयनिवारणः ॥ ७०॥

रुक्मगर्वापहारी च रुक्मिणीनयनोत्सवः ।
प्रद्युम्नजनकः कामी प्रद्युम्नो द्वारकाधिपः ॥ ७१॥

मण्याहर्ता महामायो जाम्बवत्कृतसङ्गरः ।
जाम्बूनदाम्बरधरो गम्यो जाम्बवतीविभुः ॥ ७२॥

कालिन्दीप्रथितारामकेलिर्गुञ्जावतंसकः ।
मन्दारसुमनोभास्वान् शचीशाभीष्टदायकः ॥ ७३॥

सत्राजिन्मानसोल्लासी सत्याजानिः शुभावहः ।
शतधन्वहरः सिद्धः पाण्डवप्रियकोत्सवः ॥ ७४॥

भद्रप्रियः सुभद्राया भ्राता नाग्नाजितीविभुः ।
किरीटकुण्डलधरः कल्पपल्लवलालितः ॥ ७५॥

भैष्मीप्रणयभाषावान् मित्रविन्दाधिपोऽभयः ।
स्वमूर्तिकेलिसम्प्रीतो लक्ष्मणोदारमानसः ॥ ७६॥

प्राग्ज्योतिषाधिपध्वंसी तत्सैन्यान्तकरोऽमृतः ।
भूमिस्तुतो भूरिभोगो भूषणाम्बरसंयुतः ॥ ७७॥

बहुरामाकृताह्लादो गन्धमाल्यानुलेपनः ।
नारदादृष्टचरितो देवेशो विश्वराड् गुरुः ॥ ७८॥

बाणबाहुविदारश्च तापज्वरविनाशकः ।
उषोद्धर्षयिताऽव्यक्तः शिववाक्तुष्टमानसः ॥ ७९॥

महेशज्वरसंस्तुत्यः शीतज्वरभयान्तकः ।
नृगराजोद्धारकश्च पौण्ड्रकादिवधोद्यतः ॥ ८०॥

विविधारिच्छलोद्विग्नब्राह्मणेषु दयापरः ।
जरासन्धबलद्वेषी केशिदैत्यभयङ्करः ॥ ८१॥

चक्री चैद्यान्तकः सभ्यो राजबन्धविमोचकः ।
राजसूयहविर्भोक्ता स्निग्धाङ्गः शुभलक्षणः ॥ ८२॥

धानाभक्षणसम्प्रीतः कुचेलाभीष्टदायकः ।
सत्त्वादिगुणगम्भीरो द्रौपदीमानरक्षकः ॥ ८३॥

भीष्मध्येयो भक्तवश्यो भीमपूज्यो दयानिधिः ।
दन्तवक्त्रशिरश्छेत्ता कृष्णः कृष्णासखः स्वराट् ॥ ८४॥

वैजयन्तीप्रमोदी च बर्हिबर्हविभूषणः ।
पार्थकौरवसन्धानकारी दुःशासनान्तकः ॥ ८५॥

बुद्दो विशुद्धः सर्वज्ञः क्रतुहिंसाविनिन्दकः ।
त्रिपुरस्त्रीमानभङ्गः सर्वशास्त्रविशारदः ॥ ८६॥

निर्विकारो निर्ममश्च निराभासो निरामयः ।
जगन्मोहकधर्मी च दिग्वस्त्रो दिक्पतीश्वरः ॥ ८७॥

कल्की म्लेच्छप्रहर्ता च दुष्टनिग्रहकारकः ।
धर्मप्रतिष्टाकारी च चातुर्वर्ण्यविभागकृत् ॥ ८८॥

युगान्तको युगाक्रान्तो युगकृद्युगभासकः ।
कामारिः कामकारी च निष्कामः कामितार्थदः ॥ ८९॥

भर्गो वरेण्यं सवितुः शार्ङ्गी वैकुण्ठमन्दिरः ।
हयग्रीवः कैटभारिः ग्राहघ्नो गजरक्षकः ॥ ९०॥

सर्वसंशयविच्छेत्ता सर्वभक्तसमुत्सुकः ।
कपर्दी कामहारी च कला काष्टा स्मृतिर्धृतिः ॥ ९१॥

अनादिरप्रमेयौज्ञाः प्रधानः सन्निरूपकः ।
निर्लोपो निःस्पृहोऽसङ्गो निर्भयो नीतिपारगः ॥ ९२॥

निष्पेष्यो निष्क्रियः शान्तो निष्प्रपञ्चो निधिर्नयः
कर्म्यकर्मी विकर्मी च कर्मेप्सुः कर्मभावनः ॥ ९३॥

कर्माङ्गः कर्मविन्यासो महाकर्मी महाव्रती ।
कर्मभुक्कर्मफलदः कर्मेशः कर्मनिग्रहः ॥ ९४॥

नरो नारायणो दान्तः कपिलः कामदः शुचिः ।
तप्ता जप्ताऽक्षमालावान् गन्ता नेता लयो गतिः ॥ ९५॥

शिष्टो द्रष्टा रिपुद्वेष्टा रोष्टा वेष्टा महानटः ।
रोद्धा बोद्धा महायोद्धा श्रद्धावान् सत्यधीः शुभः ॥ ९६॥

मन्त्री मन्त्रो मन्त्रगम्यो मन्त्रकृत् परमन्त्रहृत् । 
मन्त्रभृन्मन्त्रफलदो मन्त्रेशो मन्त्रविग्रहः ॥ ९७॥

मन्त्राङ्गो मन्त्रविन्यासो महामन्त्रो महाक्रमः ।
स्थिरधीः स्थिरविज्ञानः स्थिरप्रज्ञः स्थिरासनः ॥ ९८॥

स्थिरयोगः स्थिराधारः स्थिरमार्गः स्थिरागमः।
निश्श्रेयसो निरीहोऽग्निर्निरवद्यो निरञ्जनः ॥ ९९॥

निर्वैरो निरहङ्कारो निर्दम्भो निरसूयकः ।
अनन्तोऽनन्तबाहूरुरनन्ताङ्घ्रिरनन्तदृक् ॥ १००॥

अनन्तवक्त्रोऽनन्ताङ्गोऽनन्तरूपो ह्यनन्तकृत् । 
ऊर्ध्वरेता ऊर्ध्वलिङ्गो ह्यूर्ध्वमूर्ध्वोर्ध्वशाखकः ॥ १०१॥

ऊर्ध्व ऊर्ध्वाध्वरक्षी च ह्यूर्ध्वज्वालो निराकुलः ।
बीजं बीजप्रदो नित्यो निदानं निष्कृतिः कृती ॥ १०२॥

महानणीयन् गरिमा सुषमा चित्रमालिकः ।
नभस्स्पृङ्नभसो ज्योतिर्नभस्वान्निर्नभा नभः ॥ १०३॥

अभुर्विभुः प्रभुः शम्भुर्महीयान भूर्भुवाकृतिः ।
महानन्दो महाशूरो महोराशिर्महोत्सवः ॥ १०४॥

महाक्रोधो महाज्वालो महाशान्तो महागुणः ।
सत्यव्रतः सत्यपरः सत्यसन्धः सतांगतिः ॥ १०५॥

सत्येशः सत्यसङ्कल्पः सत्यचारित्रलक्षणः ।
अन्तश्चरो ह्यन्तरात्मा परमात्मा चिदात्मकः ॥ १०६॥

रोचनो रोचमानश्च साक्षी शौरिर्जनार्दनः ।
मुकुन्दो नन्दनिष्पन्दः स्वर्णबिन्दुः पुरन्दरः ॥ १०७॥

अरिन्दमः सुमन्दश्च कुन्दमन्दारहासवान् ।
स्यन्दनारूढचण्डाङ्गो ह्यानन्दी नन्दनन्दनः ॥ १०८॥

अनसूयानन्दनोऽत्रिनेत्रानन्दः सुनन्दवान् ।
शङ्खवान्पङ्कजकरः कुङ्कुमाङ्को जयाङ्कुशः ॥ १०९॥

अम्भोजमकरन्दाढ्यो निष्पङ्कोऽगरुपङ्किलः ।
इन्द्रश्चन्द्ररथश्चन्द्रोऽतिचन्द्रश्चन्द्रभासकः ॥ ११०॥

उपेन्द्र इन्द्रराजश्च वागिन्द्रश्चन्द्रलोचन ।
प्रत्यक् पराक् परंधाम परमार्थः परात्परः ॥ १११॥

अपारवाक् पारगामी पारावारः परावरः ।
सहस्वानर्थदाता च सहनः साहसी जयी ॥ ११२॥

तेजस्वी वायुविशिखी तपस्वी तापसोत्तमः ।
ऐश्वर्योद्भूतिकृद्भूतिरैश्वर्याङ्गकलापवान् ॥ ११३॥

अम्भोधिशायी भगवान् सर्वज्ञस्सामपारगः ।
महायोगी महाधीरो महाभोगी महाप्रभुः ॥ ११४॥

महावीरो महातुष्टिर्महापुष्टिर्महागुणः ।
महादेवो महाबाहुर्महाधर्मो महेश्वरः ॥ ११५॥

समीपगो दूरगामी स्वर्गमार्गनिरर्गलः ।
नगो नगधरो नागो नागेशो नागपालकः ॥ ११६॥

हिरण्मयः स्वर्णरेता हिरण्यार्चिर्हिरण्यदः ।
गुणगण्यः शरण्यश्च पुण्यकीर्तिः पुराणगः ॥ ११७॥

जन्मभृज्जन्यसन्नद्धो दिव्यपञ्चायुधो वशी ।
दौर्जन्यभङ्गः पर्जन्यः सौजन्यनिलयोऽलयः ॥ ११८॥

जलन्धरान्तको भस्मदैत्यनाशी महामनाः ।
श्रेष्टश्श्रविष्ठो द्राघिष्ठो गरिष्ठो गरुडध्वजः ॥ ११९॥

ज्येष्ठो द्रढिष्ठो वर्षिष्ठो द्राघियान् प्रणवः फणी ।
सम्प्रदायकरः स्वामी सुरेशो माधवो मधुः ॥ १२०॥

निर्निमेषो विधिर्वेधा बलवान् जीवनं बली ।
स्मर्ता श्रोता विकर्ता च ध्याता नेता समोऽसमः ॥ १२१॥

होता पोता महावक्ता रन्त मन्ता खलान्तकः ।
दाता ग्राहयिता माता नियन्ताऽनन्त वैभवः ॥ १२२॥

गोप्ता गोपयिता हन्ता धर्मजागरिता धवः ।
कर्ता क्षेत्रकरः क्षेत्रप्रदः क्षेत्रज्ञ आत्मवित् ॥ १२३॥

क्षेत्री क्षेत्रहरः क्षेत्रप्रियः क्षेमकरो मरुत् ।
भक्तिप्रदो मुक्तिदायी शक्तिदो युक्तिदायकः ॥ १२४॥

शक्तियुङ्जौक्तिकस्रग्वी सूक्तिराम्नायसूक्तिगः ।
धनञ्जयो धनाध्यक्षो धनिको धनदाधिपः ॥ १२५॥

महाधनो महामानी दुर्योधनविमानितः ।
रत्नाकरो रत्नरोची रत्नगर्भाश्रयः शुचिः ॥ १२६॥

रत्नसानुनिधिर्मौळिरत्नाभा रत्नकङ्कणः ।
अन्तर्लक्ष्योऽन्तरम्यासी चान्तर्ध्येयो जितासनः ॥ १२७॥

अन्तरङ्गो दयावांश्च ह्यांतर्मायो महार्णवः ।
सरससिद्धरसिकः सिद्धिः साध्यः सदागतिः ॥ १२८॥

आयुःप्रदो महायुष्मानर्चिष्मानोषधीपतिः ।
अष्टश्रीरष्टभागोऽष्टककुब्व्याप्तयशो त्रती ॥ १२९॥

अष्टापदः सुवर्णाभो ह्यष्टमूर्तिस्त्रिमूर्तिमान् ।
अस्वप्नः स्वप्नगः स्वप्नः सुस्वप्नफलदायकः ॥ १३०॥

दुःस्वप्नध्वंसको ध्वस्तदुर्निमित्तः शिवङ्करः ।
सुवर्णवर्णस्सम्भाव्यो वर्णितो वर्णसम्मुखः ॥ १३१॥

सुवर्णमुखरीतीरशिवध्यातपदाम्बुजः ।
दाक्षायणीवचस्तुष्टो दूर्वासोदृष्टिगोचरः ॥ १३२॥

अम्बरीषव्रतप्रीतो महाकृत्तिविभञ्जनः ।
महाभिचारकध्वंसी कालसर्पभयान्तकः ॥ १३३॥

सुदर्शनः कालमेघश्यामश्श्रीमन्त्रभावितः ।
हेमाम्बुजसरःस्नायी श्रीमनोभाविताकृतिः ॥ १३४॥

श्रीप्रदताम्बुजस्रग्वी श्रीकेलिः श्रीनिधिर्भवः ।
श्रीप्रदो वामनो लक्ष्मीनायकश्च चतुर्भुजः ॥ १३५॥

संतृप्तस्तर्पितस्तीर्थस्नातृसौख्यप्रदर्शकः ।
अगस्त्यस्तुतिसंहृष्टो दर्शिताव्यक्तभावनः ॥ १३६॥

कपिलार्चिः कपिलवान् सुस्नाताघविपाटनः ।
वृषाकपिः कपिस्वामिमनोऽन्तःस्थितविग्रहः ॥ १३७॥

वह्निप्रियोऽर्थसंभाव्यो जनलोकविधायकः ।
वह्निप्रभो वह्नितेजाः शुभाभीष्टप्रदो यमी ॥ १३८॥

वारुणक्षेत्रनिलयो वरुणो वारणार्चितः ।
वायुस्थानकृतावासो वायुगो वायुसंभृतः ॥ १३९॥

यमान्तकोऽभिजननो यमलोकनिवारणः ।
यमिनामग्रगण्यश्च संयमी यमभावितः ॥ १४०॥

इन्द्रोद्यानसमीपस्थ इन्द्रदृग्विषयः प्रभुः । 
यक्षराट् सरसीवासो ह्यक्षय्यनिधिकोशकृत् ॥ १४१॥

स्वामितीर्थकृतावासः स्वामिध्येयो ह्यधोक्षजः ।
वराहाद्यष्टतीर्थाभिसेविताङ्घ्रिसरोरुहः ॥ १४२॥

पाण्डुतीर्थभिषिक्ताङ्गो युधिष्ठिरवरप्रदः ।
भीमान्तःकरणारूढः श्वेतवाहनसख्यवान् ॥ १४३॥

नकुलाभयदो माद्रीसहदेवाभिवन्दितः ।
कृष्णाशपथसन्धाता कुन्तीस्तुतिरतो दमी ॥ १४४॥

नारदादिमुनिस्तुत्यो नित्यकर्मपरायणः ।
दर्शिताव्यक्तरूपश्च वीणानादप्रमोदितः ॥ १४५॥

षट्कोटितीर्थचर्यावान् देवतीर्थकृताश्रमः ।
बिल्वामलजलस्नायी सरस्वत्यम्बुसेवितः ॥ १४६॥

तुम्बुरूदक संस्पर्शजनचित्ततमोऽपहः ।
मत्स्यवामनकूर्मादितीर्थराजः पुराणभृत् ॥ १४७॥

चक्रध्येयपदाम्भोजः शङ्खपूजितपादुकः ।
रामतीर्थविहारी च बलभद्रप्रतिष्टितः ॥ १४८॥

जामदग्न्यसरस्तीर्थजलसेचनतर्पितः ।
पापापहारिकीलालसुस्नाताघविनाशनः ॥ १४९॥

नभोगङ्गाभिषिक्तश्च नागतीर्थाभिषेकवान् ।
कुमारधारातीर्थस्थो वटुवेषः सुमेखलः ॥ १५०॥

वृद्धस्य सुकुमारत्वप्रदः सौन्दर्यवान् सुखी ।
प्रियंवदो महाकुक्षिरिक्ष्वाकुकुलनन्दनः ॥ १५१॥

नीलगोक्षीरधाराभूर्वराहाचलनायकः ।
भरद्वाजप्रतिष्ठावान् बृहस्पतिविभावितः ॥ १५२॥

अञ्जनाकृतपूजावान् आञ्जनेयकरार्चितः ।
अञ्जनाद्रिनिवासश्च मुञ्जकेशः पुरन्दरः ॥ १५३॥

किन्नरद्वयसम्बन्धिबन्धमोक्षप्रदायकः ।
वैखानसमखारम्भो वृषज्ञेयो वृषाचलः ॥ १५४॥

वृषकायप्रभेत्ता च क्रीडनाचारसंभ्रमः ।
सौवर्चलेयविन्यस्तराज्यो नारायण प्रियः ॥ १५५॥

दुर्मेधोभञ्जकः प्राज्ञो ब्रह्मोत्सवमहोत्सुकः ।
भद्रासुरशिरश्चेता भद्रक्षेत्री सुभद्रवान् ॥ १५६॥

मृगयाऽक्षीणसन्नाहः शङ्खराजन्यतुष्टिदः ।
स्थाणुस्थो वैनतेयाङ्गभावितो ह्यशरीरवान् ॥ १५७॥

भोगीन्द्रभोगसंस्थानो ब्रह्मादिगणसेवितः ।
सहस्रार्कच्छटाभास्वद्यिमानन्तःस्थितो गुणी ॥ १५८॥

विष्वक्सेनकृतस्तोत्रः सनन्दनवरीवृताः ।
जाह्नव्यादिनदीसेव्यः सुरेशाद्यभिवन्दितः ॥ १५९॥

सुराङ्गनानृत्यपरो गन्धर्वोद्गायनप्रियः ।
राकेन्दुसङ्काशनखः कोमलाङ्घ्रसरोरुहः ॥ १६०॥

कच्छपप्रपदः कुन्दगुल्पकः स्वच्छकूर्परः ।
मेदुरस्वर्णवस्त्राढ्यकटिदेशस्थमेखलः ॥ १६१॥

प्रोल्लसच्छुरिकाभास्वत्कटिदेशः शुभङ्करः ।
अनन्तपद्मजस्थाननाभिर्मौक्तिकमालिकः ॥ १६२॥

मन्दारचाम्पेयमाली रत्नाभरणसंभृतः ।
लम्बयज्ञोपवीती च चन्द्रश्रीखण्डलेपवान् ॥ १६३॥

वरदोऽभयदश्चक्री शङ्खी कौस्तुभदीप्तिमान् ।
श्रीवत्साङ्कितवक्षस्को लक्ष्मीसंश्रितहृत्तटः ॥ १६४॥

नीलोत्पल निभाकारः शोणाम्भोजसमाननः ।
कोटीमन्मथलावण्यचन्द्रिकास्मितपूरितः ॥ १६५॥

सुधास्वच्छोर्ध्वपुण्ड्रश्च कस्तूरीतिलकाञ्चितः ।
पुण्डरीकेक्षणः स्वच्छो मौलिशोभाविराजितः ॥ १६६॥

पद्मस्थः पद्मनाभश्च सोममण्डलगो बुधः ।
वह्निमंडलगः सूर्यः सूर्यमण्डलसंस्थितः ॥ १६७॥

श्रीपतिर्भूमिजानिश्च विमलाद्यभिसंवृतः ।
जगत्कुटुम्बजनिता रक्षकः कामितप्रदः ॥ १६८॥

अवस्थात्रययन्ता च विश्वतेजस्स्वरूपवान् ।
ज्ञप्तिर्ज्ञेयो ज्ञानगम्यो ज्ञानातीतः सुरातिगः ॥ १६९॥

ब्रह्माण्डान्तर्बहिर्व्याप्तो वेङ्कटाद्रिगदाधरः ।

वेङ्कटाद्रिगदाधर ॐ नमः इति ॥

एवं श्रीवेङ्कटेशस्य कीर्तितं परमाद्भुतम् ॥ १७०॥

नाम्नां सहस्रं संश्राव्यं पवित्रं पुण्यवर्द्धनम् ।
श्रवणात्सर्वदोषघ्नं रोगघ्नं मृत्युनाशनम् ॥ १७१॥

दारिद्र्यभेदनं धर्म्यं सर्वैश्वर्यफलप्रदम् ।
कालाहिविषविच्छेदिज्वरापस्मारभञ्जनम् ॥ १७२॥

शत्रुक्षयकरं राजग्रहपीडानिवारणम् ।
ब्रह्मराक्षसकूष्मांडभेतालभयभंजनम् ॥ १७३॥

विद्याभिलाषी विद्यावान् धनार्थी धनवान् भवेत् ।
अनन्तकल्पजीवी स्यादायुष्कामो महायशाः ॥ १७४॥

पुत्रार्थी सुगुणान्पुत्रान् लभेताऽऽयुष्मतस्तनः ।
सङ्ग्रामे शत्रुविजयी सभायां प्रतिवादिजित् ॥ १७५॥

दिव्यैर्नामभिरेभिस्तु तुलसीपूजनात्सकृत् ।
वैकुण्ठवासी भगवत्सदृशो विष्णुसन्निधौ ॥ १७६॥

कह्लारपूजनान्मासात् द्वितीय इव यक्षराट् ।
नीलोत्पलार्चनात्सर्वराजपूज्यः सदा भवेत् ॥ १७७॥

हृत्संस्थितैर्नामभिस्तु भूयाद्दृग्विषयो हरिः ।
वाञ्छितार्थ तदा दत्वा वैकुण्ठं च प्रयच्छति ॥ १७८॥

त्रिसन्ध्यं यो जपेन्नित्यं संपूज्य विधिना विभुम् ।
त्रिवारं पञ्चवारं वा प्रत्यहं क्रमशो यमी ॥ १७९॥

मासादलक्ष्मीनाशः स्यात् द्विमासात् स्यान्नरेन्द्रता ।
त्रिमासान्महदैश्वर्यं ततस्संभाषणं भवेत् ॥ १८०॥

मासं पठन्न्यूनकर्ममूर्तिं च समवाप्नुयात् ।
मार्गभ्रष्टश्च सन्मार्गं गतस्वः स्वं स्वकीयकम् ॥ १८१॥

चाञ्चल्यचित्तोऽचाञ्चल्यं मनस्स्वास्थ्यं च गच्छति ।
आयुरारोग्यमैश्वर्यं ज्ञानं मोक्षं च विन्दति ॥ १८२॥

सर्वान्कामानवाप्नोति शाश्वतं च पदं तथा ।
सत्यं सत्यं पुनस्सत्यं सत्यं सत्यं न संशयः ॥ १८३॥

श्री भ्रह्माण्डपुराणे वसिष्ठनारदसंवादे श्रीवेङ्कटाचलमाहात्म्ये
श्री वेङ्कटेश सहस्रनाम स्तोत्राध्यायः समाप्तः ॥

Sunday, July 31, 2016

*****Lord Sri Venkateswara is Swayambhu***** *****Swayam Vyaktha BHAGAWAAN VISHNU*****

*****Lord Sri Venkateswara is Swayambhu*****
*****Swayam Vyaktha BHAGAWAAN VISHNU*****

Lord Sri Venkateswara is Swayambhu, self-manifest.
Lord’s image is not carved by either humans or Gods.

Lord SrimanNarayana Himself took the form of a sila
murthi to bless us all in this Kaliyug.
The Supreme Lord Sriman Narayana Swayam
Vyaktha.HE is the Supreme among all these as it is the
form in which Lord Himself manifests…He is
consecrated by neither humans nor devathas…Lord
himself takes the form He wishes to bless His devotees.
So Thirumala come under this aspect of
In Thirumala thus Lord Sriman Narayana
manifest Himself to redeem all of us from past Sins and miseries
of Kaliyug.


Thursday, May 12, 2016

*****Lord Sri Venkateswara is Swayambhu *****Swayam Vyaktha BHAGAWAAN VISHNU*****

*****Lord Sri Venkateswara is Swayambhu*****
*****Swayam Vyaktha BHAGAWAAN VISHNU*****

Lord Sri Venkateswara is Swayambhu, self-manifest.
Lord’s image is not carved by either humans or gods.
Lord SrimanNarayana Himself took the form of a sila
murthi to bless us all in this Kaliyug.
The Supreme Lord Srimannarayana manifests in
five aspects. They are PARA (the transcendent), Vyuha
(the emanating),Vibhava (the immanent)Antaryami and
lastly the Archavathara (the form of consecrated image).
The first one Para Rupa is Lord SrimanNarayana in
Vaikuntha seated on Adisesha. In this form He is
available only for free souls such as ananta, garuda,
sudarsana etc.called Nitya-suris. No one else, even
Devathas can not approach him in Para Roopa.
And the fifth aspect is Archavathara. It is in this
form He is available to all of us. Lord Srimannarayana
takes the form of an idol so that it is easy for all of
us to worship him. Archavathara again has many aspects
such as divya, manusha, siddha, swayam vyaktha…if the
idol of the lord is consecrated by gods it is Divya…if it
is installed by humans it is called manusha…Swayam
Vyaktha is the supreme among all these as it is the
form in which Lord Himself manifests…He is
consecrated by neither humans nor devathas…Lord
himself takes the form He wishes to bless His devotees.
So Thirumala come under this aspect of
Archavatar. In Thirumala thus Lord SrimanNarayana
Himself is manifest to redeem all of us from miseries
of Kaliyug.*****OM NAMO SRI VENKATESHAYA*****

Monday, April 25, 2016

*****Lord Sri Venkateswara ,Lord Srimannarayana Himself *****

*****Lord Sri Venkateswara, Lord Srimannarayana Himself *********
Lord Sri Venkateswara is swayambhu, self-manifest.
Lord’s image is not carved by either humans or gods.
Lord Srimannarayana Himself took the form of a sila
murthi to bless us all in this Kaliyug.
Lord’s image is about nine feet in height…His

eyes are dark and long…He is looking at all of us in
what is called ‘sama drishti’ the looks are absolutely
horizontal…He is looking with a grand smile of extraordinary
tranquility…the smile that envelopes all His
creation with benovelence…Oh! Swamy!... when you are
taking care of us with such an affectionate smile why

should we worry at all?...

***Lord Sri Venkateswara, Lord Srimannarayana Himself **********************

is infront of all of us to bless us!...Oh! How
blessed all of us are!...always remember that He is the
kindest of all…He and He alone knows all our
limitations…our weaknesses…our problems…everything
about us…your brother, your sister, your spouse, or even
your parents many not understand you fully…but he
knows everything about you…and always remember He
is the most affectionate…no one else is more
affectionate to you than him …just think of Him with
sincerity…you do not have do big yagnas or
yagas…smaran alone is enough…he will instantly
answer your prayers…all your problems will vanish into
thin air…

When a devotees stands infront of the Lord, he
forgets everything… you are dumbstruck with his
majestic, magnificent and most beautiful and ever
charming murthi…such is the power of Lord that you
can not stare at the moorthi continuously for a few
seconds…unknowingly one closes his eyes…we go to
Him with so many desires…but the moment you are
infront Him you are speechless…an aura of ultimate
happiness sweeps across you that you forget everything
else in this world…all your desires, all your
problems…everything you wanted to seek from Him…all
these will not come into your mind at all…you are
engulfed by the supreme, devine aura…Oh! Swamy!
what a divine darsan?...kindly grant us one more
darsan…this is what every devotee feels before leaving

Monday, March 28, 2016

***The Camphor Dot on Lord Venkateswara’s Chin***

***The Camphor Dot on Lord Venkateswara’s Chin***
 Bhagavan bhaktiyuktena krtan ajnana samyutan
Dosan Sahati yasmatte priyas tasya mahatmanam
(God is not only pleased by the worship done by His steadfast devotee, but also by the innocent mistakes of the
devotee. He works to design the mistake into a pleasant gesture and glorify the honor of His devotee. )
story of ananthALvAn (Ananthaalvaan) , which took place during the 11th century CE (Common Era), depicts
the unique love and care of God towards His devotees.
In the olden days, there was a thick forest around the seven hills of Tirumala–Tirupati. Even the steps leading
to the hill were not at all good. Recently, they were set right and more convenient means are available. Earlier,
the priests used to go to the Temple on foot every morning. They used to return home at night. They used to
carry the deity’s ornaments with them and bring them back. Even the Naivedyam (food-offering ) was taken
from the foot of the hill daily. In those days, none used to stay on the hill.
Bhaghavath Ramanuja Acharya (1017-1137) ordained that a flower garden be raised on the hill and its flowers
to be used for decorating Sri Venkateswara Swami. Besides that, the Acharya made arrangements for the
priests to reside on the hill so that the Temple could be in a sanctified atmosphere with continual chanting of
Veda Mantras charged with spiritual power. From then onwards, it became very convenient for priests,
avoiding daily trips to and from their homes.
Bhaghavath Ramanuja Acharya had a disciple called ananthALvAn. ananthALvAn was highly reputed as a
kind hearted person (parama sAdhu). The Acharya ordained ananthALvAn to serve Lord Venkateswara
Swami. ALvAn said, “I will stay on the hill. I will raise a flower garden for the Alankara Seva (decoration
service)”. Everyone was happy.
ananthALvAn and his wife started to dig a tank for supplying water to the flower garden. He used to dig the
soil with a pick-axe and his wife used to remove the soil to throw it a little away. One day Sri Venkateswara
Swami came there in the disguise of a boy and said, “Sir! Let me also serve a little”. ALvAn said “Sorry! In
obedience to the Acharya’s order, only we two must do this work” and sent the boy away. Then the boy went
to the wife of ALvAn and asked her, “At least you give me a chance to serve.” She consented and said,
“Unseen by my husband, throw away the soil behind these trees.” She was in a stage of advanced pregnancy.
Whenever the boy took the basket full of soil, her pain reduced. ALvAn observed that the boy was carrying
the soil. He thought that he failed in performing his self-duty (Svadharma) and said angrily, “When I refused
to accept your service, you approached and convinced her” and struck the boy with the pick-axe in haste.
There was a bleeding injury on the boy’s chin. Astonished by this incident, aLvAn dropped the pick-axe and
approached the little boy. Before ALvAn could reach the little boy, he ran and entered into the Temple in
counter-clockwise direction (apradakshina mArgam). ALvAn was repenting for his cruel behaviour.
The next day, the priests were upset looking at the bleeding chin of the idol. Then they heard the oracle of God
(asherira vani), “I myself went to the flower garden. Do not worry. Ask anantALvAn to apply camphor
(KaRpUram) to this wound. The wound will heal but there will be a scar on me. As Srivatsam indicates the
place and presence of Sri Alamelumanga Devi, the camphor dot on my chin reminds ananthALvAn. This
incident happened with my influence (Maya).” Knowing this, ALvAn felt very sad and said, “Oh! I could not
recognise the Lord and injured Him.” Then he went into the Temple and applied camphor to the chin of Sri
Venkateswara Swami. The scar impression is developed on original Idol of Lord Venkateswara Swami. From
that time onwards, the scar on the chin of the Lord is decorated everyday with camphor. Thus the camphor
dot application gained elements of divinity and eternity. The pick-axe is preserved and displayed in the
Temple premises.
This kind of deeds earned God several titles as “Bhakta Vatsala”, “Bhagavatha Priya” etc. ananthALvAn
earned the grace of God through pure devotion. This incident fascinated poets of later age. Sriman Srishaila
Srirangaacharyar quoted this divine event in his composition, Sri Srinivasa Gadyam:
“… Arya dhurya anatharya pavithra kanithra paatha
paathrikruta nija chubuka vrana kina
vhibushana vahana suchita shritha jana vatsala atishayaha”
(Lord! You received a real bleeding injury when highly revered ananthALvAn struck you with sacred pickaxe
on your chin. You bore the pain of the injury with great patience. And you decorated the scar as an
ornament, indicating that you accepted the pain as a pleasant offering. You did this to bring reverence and
divine glory to your devotee. Just like a cow would care for her calf (Vathsa), you took care of your devotee’s
Sri Annamacharya (1408-1503), the first Vaggeyakara, analysed the stories of Sri Venkateswara Swami’s
devotees. Realising the abundance of grace the Lord bestowed on his devotees, he composed the famous
Sankeertanam, “koNDalalO…” (rAgam—hindOLam; tALam—Adi).
Pallavi: koNDalalO nelakonna kOnETi rAyaDu vADu
koNDalanta varamulu guppeDu vADu
Charanam1: kummara dAsuDaina kuruvarati nambi
immanna varamulella iccina vADu
dommulu cEsinayaTTi toNDamAn cakkuravarti
rammanna cOTiki vacci nammina vADu
Charanam 2: accapu vEDukatO anantALuvAriki
muccili veTTiki mannu mOcina vADu
maccika dolaka tirumala nambi tODuta
nicca nicca mATalADi naccina vADu
Charanam 3: kancilOna nuNDa tirukaccinambi mIda
karuNinci tanayeDaku rappincina vADu
enca yekkuDaina venkaTEsuDu manalaku
mancivADai karuNa pAlincina vADu
(You derived pleasure by deciding to volunteer yourself for ananthALvAn’s project. You carried soil and
earned an injury on your chin as a reward for your free service. This is your divine play and an example of
abundant grace showered on your devotee.)
Similarly, strange customs have crept in the services to the Lord. The food-offering made in earthen pot, the
flower garland, Camphor Arati, and Palanquin procession are some such customs practiced regularly in
Tirumala-Tirupati Temple. The Palanquin procession or ‘back-savAri” is done relating to counter-clockwise
path entrance into the Temple taken by Lord Venkateshwara Swami in the guise of the little boy. The British
rulers observed this custom and called it as “back-savAri.” The legacy of these customs is considered as God’s
boons to his devotees, as a result of their devotional worship.
(Compiled from book KathAsAgaram written by Sri Ganapathi SachchidAnanda Swamiji

Sunday, March 27, 2016

*****About Names of Lord Sri Venkatesha:******

*****About Names of Lord Sri Venkatesha:******


Lord Venkateswara is also known by other names like:  Sriman-Narayan, Srinivasa, Balaji, Govinda, Vishnu, VenkataNarayana, Perumal, Tirupati-Thimmappa, Venkatachalapati, Sri-Vaaru, Venkatakirshna and Venkataramana.
Meaning of “Venkatesha”“Venkatesha” means supreme Lord who removes sins, and blesses with Nector, Engery, Prosperity & wealth.  Details below clearly explains this:
Meaning of “Venkatesha”: Venkatesha means Lord who removes Sins. “Ven+Kat+Esha”, “Ven” means SIN, “Kata” means “BURNT”, “Esha” means Lord or controller.
Any Divine Name has two meanings: one is Arta-Shakti (Energy in meaning of the word) and Shabda-Shakti(Energy in the sound). According to Arta-Shakti (Energy in the meaning of the word) Venkatesha = Ven+Kat+Esha = Sin+ burn+ Supreme Lord. That is, Supreme Lord who burns away accumulated sins. According to Shabda-Shakti(Energy in the  sound) Venkatesha = Va+em+kata+Esha = Nectar(Amrit) + Energy(shakti)+ prosperity & wealth(aishwaryam) + Supreme Lord. That is supreme lord who bestows Nector, Engergy, prosperity & wealth.
From the above details, “VenkaTesha” means God who removes sins, & blesses with Nector, Engery, Prosperity & wealth. Any one who worships the Lord will gets removed of all their sins. Once the sins are removed then all problems and pains go away. Lord Venkateshwara is considered the “Kali-yuga varada”, that is ‘the boon-granting Lord of “Kali-yug” & remover of the sins. (Kali-Yug is the fourth age of the Hindu cycle of ages).

Monday, March 21, 2016



Salutations to Lord Vishnu, the sole master of the universe and His presence is ever serene. He reposes on the couch (of Adisesha, the divine serpent), sporting a lotus in His navel. He is the Lord of all Devas, protector of the worlds and all-pervading like the sky. His complexion is like that of the clouds with a very beautiful form. He is the consort of Sri Lakshmi and His eyes are like lotus petals and who is meditated upon by Yogis and is the Lord of the Cosmos
Lord Venkateshwara is a form of Sri Vishnu and one of the Divine Trinity. The name Venkateshwara can be split into three parts in Sanskrit: Ven (sins), kata (destroyer), and ishwara (Supreme Lord). Using this etymology, Venkateshwara refers to the Supreme Lord who destroys sins. He is also known as Balaji, Srinivasa, Perumal, Venkatachalapathy and many other names. The Goddess Lakshmi (Vishnu's consort) resides on the chest of Venkateshwara, and thus He is also known by the epithet Srinivasa (the one in whom Sri resides). The deity is considered the Kali Yuga Varada that is “the boon-granting Lord of Kali Yuga” (the fourth and final age of the Hindu cycle of ages).
His right hand in the form of varada hastham fulfills devotees’ wishes. With His conch he creates the cosmic sound that destroys ignorance and with His Chakram He destroys evil. Lord Venkateswara's eyes are covered, because it is said, that His gaze is so intense, it would scorch the universe.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

***Vaikuntha Ekadasi at Tirupati Balaji Temple***

*****Vaikuntha Ekadasi at Tirupati Balaji Temple*****

Vaikuntha Ekadasi

 is observed at Tirupati BalajiTemple during the Shukla Paksha Ekadasi in Dhanurmasa – the eleventh day during the waxing phase of moon in December – January. In 2017, Vaikuntha Ekadasi at Tirupati Balaji Temple is on January 8. Vaikuntha Dwaram opening time is 4:30 AM on January 8, 2017. The most important ritual on the day is the witnessing of the opening of the door in the sanctum sanctorum of the temple also known as ‘Vaikuntha Dwaram’ or ‘Swargada Bagilu’ (the gate to the heaven). Devotees can pass through this door only on the Vaikuntha Ekadasi day.

Vaikuntha Dwaram as the name indicates is the door to Vaikuntha – abode of Srihari Vishnu. The door is opened only on this day.

The utsava murti of Balaji is taken around the Mada Street on Vahanas on this day along with Sridevi and Bhudevi.

The main ritual on this day is the passing through the Vaikuntha Dwaram. Apart from this devotees observe fast on the entire Ekadasi day.

Devotees consider it highly meritorious to have darshan of Lord Venkateswara on the day.

Sunday, February 28, 2016



Lord SRI Venkateswara is a self-manifested 2m (6 ft) high Deity made of a jet-black stone. The Deity is known as Venkateswara, Srinivasa, Govinda, Perumal, or Balaji. His diamond crown, made in Antwerp, the diamond capital of the world, is said to be the single most valuable piece of jewelry in the world.
His two upper arms hold a conch-shell (sankha) and disk (cakra). The palm of his lower right hand is turned outward offering benediction (varada), while his lower left hand is turned inward (katyavalambita). Alarmelmangai-Nachchiyar (Lakshmi), seated on a lotus, is carved on the right side of Sri Venkateswara’s chest. Lord Rama’s marks are found on Venkateswara near the armpits: the bow and quiver (arrows).
The Lord’s eyes are covered by a large tilak like “V” made of camphor. For it is said that Lord Venkateswara’s lotus-like eyes are so beautiful that if they were uncovered, then pilgrims would not want to leave. This form of the Lord is known for fulfilling any desire a devotee may express to him. It is also said that his eyes are covered because His gaze would scorch the entire world.
The Deity wears very precious jewelry. He wears a garland of big solid-gold coins. His two hands, opened in benediction, are covered first with silver and then diamonds and rubies. He wears different big crowns made of solid gold covered in diamonds, rubies and other precious gems. The Lord wears a big emerald called “Meru Pacha,” which is 3 inches in diameter and is considered to be the biggest emerald in the world. All the jewelry is real gold. The Lord possesses over 250 crores (70 million dollars) worth of gems and 640 kgs of gold.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

***LORD SRI VENKATESWARA Ashtadala Pada Padmaradhana (Tuesday)***

***LORD SRI VENKATESWARA Ashtadala Pada Padmaradhana (Tuesday)***


In this seva LORD SRI VENKATESWARA is worshiped with 108 Golden lotus flowers while performing a special archana. Admission for this seva through "vaikundam complex" . It is Ashtadala - Swarna - Padma - Puja. This special puja is celebrated on Tuesdays after the second bell is over and Jiyar swamy with the Sri Vaishnavas comes out. The arjita sevakas who paid for the seva are allowed to go and sit in the mandapa between Bangaru Vakili and the Kulasekharappadi. Once a Muslim devotee offered 108 golden lotuses each weighing about 23 gms. In this visesha puja, the archaka offered these flowers at the holy feet of the Lord with the uttering of each name,interested readers may read the Heart touching clicking the following link

 during the recitation of Dvadashanamas of the Lord after offering dhoopa and deepa to the main deity. Later archana is offered to Goddess Lakshmi & Padmavati. Then Ratha Aarati is offered first followed by ordinary aarti. Then arjita sevakas are given vastra (upper cloth) along with sathari and they are given two big laddu, two vada's as prasadam.
devotees watch the TTD Video for HEARTS SATISFACTION 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016



वेन्कटाद्रि समम् स्तानम् ब्रह्मान्डे नास्ति किन्चन,
वेन्कटेश समो देवो न भुतो न भविश्यति

(1100 BC, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India, Sanskrit)

Translation - "There is a wonderful uniqueness associated with Lord Venkateswara, and His abode, Venkatadri. There has been and there will be no equivalent to Lord Venkateshwara who is the manifestation of the complete universe itself"

Lord Venkateswara (Balaji) is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu himself. It is believed that he came to reside on the southern bank of Swami Pushkarni, a tank which passes by Tirumala. The seven hills around Tirumala-Tirupati are also known as Sapthagiri after the seven hoods of Sheshnag – the cosmic serpent. The temple of Sri Venkateswara is located on the seventh peak, Venkatadri. Tirupati is the richest temple in the world today and a great philanthrophic institution.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

***Sri Padmavathi Ammavari Temple ***Legend/Purana of the Sri Padmavathi Ammavari Temple***

Sri Padmavathi Ammavari Temple

Legend/Purana of the 

Sri Padmavathi Ammavari Temple

Once the entitled Maharshi Bhrigu came to visit at Vaikunth to see Lord Vishnu. At the time, the Maharshi entered the Vaikunth, the Lord Mahavishnu was sound asleep. The Maharshi took this as a direct insult and avenged this self-assumed offense with a kick to the chest of Lord Vishnu. The awakened Lord Mahavishu graciously accepted his fault, and afterwards paid proper homage to Maharishi. But the Goddess Lakshmi was a silent spectator to the entire affair. Unable to carry the burden of witnessing the abuse of the Lord Vishnu at the hands of Maharshi Bhrigu, Goddess Lakshmi alighted from Vaikunth, seeking penance in a humble location at Earth near Swarnamukhi river.

After 12 years of hard tapas, she emerged from the Golden Lotus on the 13th year on Panchami day during the last fortnight of Karteeka month. At this time the bright Uttarashadha Nakshatra was shining towards the earth. Here the Goddess Lakshmi was reincarnated as a Divine Child, capturing the King Akashraja who took here as a daughter and naming her after the Lotus as Sri Padmavathi.

At this time, Lord Maha Vishnu also alighted downwards the Earth, seeking Goddess Maha Lakshmi. As Mahavishnu’s Lord Vekateswara Avatar, he was able to find and marry Sri Padmavathi.From Tirpurati, the Alamelu Mangapuram temple is situated at a comparatively close-by distance of 5 KM. The temple is devoted to the Goddess Padmavathi, the consort of Sri Venkateswara Swamy. Here the Goddess prevails at the glory of the marriage attire of being united to Sri Venkateswara Swamy. This temple is also manifested in the significance of femininity in the Hindu tradition. It is also a shrine of love between the Lord Mahavishu and Goddess Lakshmi. The temple city of Tirupati, is known for its many temples and compelling architecture. But among these the Sri Tiruchanoor Alamelu Mangapuram temple needs to be compulsorily visited and paid homage, as the Tirupati Darshan gains total fruition only through the blessings from Goddess Padmavathi.

Timings: 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM

5 kms from Tirupati RTC Bus stand
5.5 Kms from Tirupati Railway station

Sri Padmavathi Devi temple,
Tirupati Rural, Chittoor (Dst.),
Andhra Pradesh

*** Special Occasion at 

***Sri Padmavathi Ammavari Temple***

At Alamelu Mangapuram, you can witness important celebrations throughout the year. Some of them are famous Devi festivals while some are special occasions dedicated to the Purna of Alamelu Mangapuram temple.

  • During the Navarathri Festival (Dussehra), the Alamelu Mangapuram temple also takes part in the nationwide celebration of good over Evil.

  • At the Kartheeka month festival, the Lord presents precious gifts to his beloved. During this time the lord sends costly sari, blouse piece, holy tulsi, turmeric leaves and exquisite delicacies offering birthday presents to the Goddess Padmavathi atop a splendidly decorated Elephant. This is followed with a celebrated procession in an ivory palanquin for a holy bath in Padma Sarovar.

  • The Theppotsavam (boat festival) is an important celebration, which occurs in the five days during the month of Jyeshtha month (June month).

  •  Sri Padmavathi Ammavari Temple and Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple are historically interconnected and conditional on each other. During the festival of Vasanthotsavam, we devotee's celebrate this with the procession atop the golden chariot during the 2nd day of the festival.

  • The festival of Sri Padmavathi Parinayam is held during Navami, Dasami and Ekadasi in the month of Vaisaka month. During the three-day festival, the majestically decorated idol of Sri Malayappa Swamy of Lord Venkateswara, arrives in grand style on the Gaja vahanam, Aswa vahanam and Garuda Vahanam on the three consecutive days.

Nearby Places to visit

At a close proximity to the Tirumala Venkateswara Temple, you can plan and align your Alamelu Mangapuram temple with a number of other temples. Among them here are a few obligatory visits for a true devotee.

Srinivasa Mangapuram: These historically two intricately connected temples are located apart at a distance of 14 KM. And the Tirumala Venkateswara Swamy temple is located at a distance of 27 KM. During a day of normal rush, you can comfortably visit the three temples in a single day.

Friday, February 5, 2016



A holy Dream vision which made me realize how much the GOD responds to the devotion we show on Him :
We all came back to room around 4.30 A.M after having tea, Took bath and slept. I hugged the holy Sai satcharitra book on my chest friends. I was too tired and slept nicely. The surprise was the dream I had ..

In the dream I saw this..

I saw a small temple…Its like temple inside which we can only keep idol of God and cannot enter. I mean to say it was like small temple some people construct in house. The temple had Lord Sri Venkateswara Swamy beautifully shining with all his glory.

A priest is showing lamps, Aaarti to Lord Venkateswara Swamy.

Suddenly i hear a voice,

“Crores of devotees comes to see me and today I am opening my eyes to see you “
As soon as i heared this voice, I saw

Lord Sri Venkateswara opening his eyes, It was not a ordinary way of simply opening friends. It was as if his eyes were twinkling and like a flash light , he opened his eyes for a moment, closed it in fraction of second, again the eyes were opened. It was like a divine play of Lord Sri Venkateswara. Even when i write this i could feel how little we humans ask only for materialistic benefits from Venkateswara but the God on other hand responds for our devotion by giving a dream to even a very ordinary person like me.

Then while Sri Venkateswara swamy was opening his eyes , i am taking the aarti and showing to the Lord with such happiness i can’t write in words.

After few minutes, I woke up and can remember this dream very clearly.

I remembered something I saw last evening,

We went to meet a bank officer as soon as we reached Tirupati . He had a poster on his table with the photo of sri venkateswara swamy and a wonderful wordings

“Its not the Darshan you Get – Its the darshan He gives ”

How beautiful and meaningful is this sacred words friends. We all say we had darshan of God when we go to any temple but in true sense, its the darshan the god gives us out of love on us.

The dream I had was so touching that I felt my life will have a positive turn from then on… That day , we had good darshan of LORD Venkateswara and i thanked Swamy for blessing me with such a dream.

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